Market Trend
Today's Exchange Rate
December 06, 2018, 11:00 USD against the renminbi, the US dollar against the Hong Kong dollar, the Hong Kong dollar against the renminbi reference exchange rate is as follows:
Exchange currency | Bid price (withdrawal) | Selling price (deposit) |
1 US dollar against the RMB: | 6.8600 | 6.9600 |
1 US dollar against Hong Kong dollar: | 7.7676 | 7.8276 |
1 Hong Kong dollar against the yuan: | 0.8832 | 0.8892 |
Redemption Note:
Exchange rate source
The market exchange rate announced by the Company refers to the price of the exchange rate published by the Bank of China and Bank of China (Hong Kong) and the median price announced by the People's Bank of China.